As you peruse your options for glass shower /enclosure doors, it’s important to know the varied sorts of doors and enclosures currently on the market. There are plenty of options from which to settle on , so it’s easy to feel overwhelmed!
Types of Doors:
For starters, let’s check out the three framing options:
1.Frameless shower doors and enclosures don’t have any metal framing round the glass. Panels are held in situ by clips, hinges, and caulk joints. (A sub-category is frameless doors with headers, which are built from frame-free glass but include a metal header across the very best of the enclosure covering all the sides .)Frameless units are both the foremost popular and therefore the costliest shower doors.
2.Semi-frameless enclosure doors include both framed and frameless glass edges. since some framing is present. Semi-frameless showers fall within the mid-range for both price and economy and pleasure of having recognition .
3.Framed shower doors are built from glass panels surrounded by stainless steel framing. The framing allows glaziers to create these from 5/32” or 3/16” thick glass. These are the foremost budget friendly shower doors, but less trendy than their counterparts.